School Rules

  1. All the students must wear the prescribed school uniform. They are liable to be sent back from the school if they are not in proper school uniform or improperly dressed.
  2. Any kind of damage done to the school property will be recovered by the offender.
  3. Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their misbehaviour while inside the school. The principal has the discretion of rusticating indisciplined students upto 30 days. If the pupil continues getting involved in indisciplined activities or in any sort of misconduct then he/she may be expelled from the school and all concerned authorities including CBSE will be informed.
  4. It is compulsory for every student to put in 75% of total attendance and above during one complete Academic Session. Students of Board classes must try for 100% attendance.
  5. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience to orders, misconduct or breaking the moral code of the academy will be sufficient reasons for the expulsion of a student from the school. The decision of the principal will be final in this regard.
  6. Students are not allowed to carry Mobile Phones in the school. Confiscation of a mobile phone will lead to serious action.
  7. Students must be punctual. They should arrive at the school in time. Once the gate is closed, they will not be allowed to enter. We are not responsible if your ward does not reach in time to school and is left out on road. It is your sole responsibility to see that he/she is punctual.
  8. Students should come to school clean and tidy with proper haircut.
  9. Students must accompany parents on all parent teacher meets, only in school uniform.
  10. The school shall not be responsible or liable for any unforeseen accident or illness or mishap that may happen to a student during the school hours or while on school trips or school sponsored activities outside the school.
  11. The school reserves for itself the right to dismiss a student for unsatisfactory progress or bad conduct.
  12. Parents can meet the class teacher to discuss the progress of their ward on the days assigned to each class or by a prior appointment made with the teacher.
  13. No half day have will be allowed to the students after entering into the school premises
  14. Parent's attendance is mandatory at all parent Teacher meetings. It is parent's / guardian's responsibility to ensure correct authentic signature on report card & all-important notices. entering into the school premises
  15. Parent's attendance is mandatory at all parent Teacher meetings. It is parent's / guardian's responsibility to ensure correct authentic signature on report card & all-important notices.


  1. The school expects every student to attend the school regularly. An optimum attendance record during the session is a must for students to be eligible for promotion. It is also compulsory for the students to attend extra/remedial classes as notified by the school.
  2. No student can be absent from the school without obtaining prior permission of leave. The parent should send the leave application to the class teacher at least three days in advance. The class teacher, in turn, will communicate to the parent, through the Almanac, if the leave is sanctioned.
  3. Strict action will be taken against the students especially of class IX to XII, if they are absent without prior permission for more than two days.
  4. In case a student fails to attend school on a particular day on account of any unforeseen reasons, the parents must inform the school telephonically. In such cases, the application for leave must be sent with the child the next day.
  5. If the leave is due to illness for a period exceeding two days, a Medical Certificate from a registered doctor should be enclosed along with the leave application.
  6. If a student remains absent from school without intimation/permission for more than 10 days, his/her name will be struck off the rolls. Re-admission, if ranted, shall be done on payment of special fine for the days of absence or the readmission fee.
  7. Students of class X & XII are required to give 100% attendance in their regular classes and any special classes as notified by the school. They must appear or all Tests/Examinations without fail. If there is any irregularity in this regard, the school will not forward the names to the CBSE as candidates for the Board Examination.


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