Aims & Objectives

Rishabh academy provides ascetic academic programme combined with a plethora of co-curricular and extra curricular activities thereby ensuring that the students blossomed by our school have an edge over the others to face the challenges in the world and prove to be worthwhile global citizens. 
It is committed to the comprehensive development of each child through an academic programme to encourage children to think independently, to be passionate about what they wish to do, to value excellence as enumerated: 

  • To render the education based on values and professionalism to all sections of society irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sector, wealth and impression or resources.
  • To recognize the latent talent and interests of each students to sharpen their skills and nurture them worth-wise for  best bloom and exposure.
  • To provide a safe, supportive and motivating environment for students and staff.
  • To create the active partnership with the parents.
  • To encourage all students to reach their full potential as independent learners and develop a positive attitude which equips children with the essential tools for life-long learning.
  • To make the students  understand the importance of health, hygiene and safety.
  • To involve children in regular exercise.
  • To foster in the child a spirit of non-violence, truth, love, sacrifice, brotherhood and service to the nation and humanity.
  • To create a promising, lively and stimulating learning ambience that is exciting today, as well as a preparation for the future
  • To help each child to develop an inquisitive mind; induce the ability to question and argue rationally; and to use that ability in the application of tasks and skills.
  • To develop sense to care the environment, to keep the surroundings neat and clean and to be concerned about the wider world.

Christmas Event